Email Policy for Technical Sections

Technical Sections use email to disseminate relevant information about SPE programs, products and services to their members in support of SPE’s mission. This policy is an effort to manage the volume of email communications and ensure compliance with data protection and anti-spam laws. SPE reserves the right to restrict access to member email addresses to any technical section in violation of this policy.

All communications referencing SPE and its technical sections and must be sent through SPE’s email tool, Informz.

Technical Sections are not to maintain lists of member or non-member email addresses.

SPE recommends that one officer manage and create all emails for technical sections. This person should group messages whenever possible, tailor messages to specific audiences, and ensure that members are not receiving too many emails at one time.

Tips for a Successful Broadcast Email

  • Be strategic in what and how often you are sending email
  • Subject Lines should be clear, concise and vary in each message
  • Convey your key points in the first two paragraphs
  • Use bullets, headlines, and obvious calls to action
  • Use images sparingly; these can trigger spam filters