Water management

New Salt-Tolerant Friction-Reducer System Enables 100% Reuse of Produced Water

This paper discusses the field trials of a new salt-tolerant friction-reducer system in the Marcellus Shale.

Fig. 1—The new FR outperformed conventional FR in water with 200,000 ppm TDS.

To continue to treat multiple clusters in longer laterals effectively, even for stages near the toe, a robust friction-reducer (FR) system typically is required to overcome pipe friction. Additionally, using a single FR system throughout the entire treatment that can tolerate various water sources of varying salinity up to 300,000 ppm is imperative. This paper discusses the field trials of a new salt-tolerant FR system in the Marcellus Shale.


FRs are used to enable high-rate pumping of water while maintaining lower treating pressures in both slickwater fracturing and coiled-tubing stimulation applications. Typically, the performance of conventional acrylamide/acrylic acid copolymer or partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide-based FRs diminishes as the dissolved-ion content of the source water increases and can be dependent on both the type and the concentration of ions present in the source water.

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