
Thursday, August 25

08:00 - 09:00
08:25 - 08:30
08:30 - 09:00
Keynote Presentation
Moderator(s) Rodolfo Camacho, UNAM
Speaker(s) Erdal Ozkan, Colorado School of Mines
09:00 - 10:00
SESSION 1: Plenary Session - Green-Paper Connection 1: Reservoir Characterization
Moderator(s) Olivier Houzé, KAPPA Engineering; Roberto Aguilera, University of Calgary

This session will present key takeaways of the Reservoir Green Paper on subsurface technologies, core analysis, and PTA/RTA/DCA to set the stage for the discussions of Static and Dynamic Reservoir Characterization. The attendees will have the chance to ask clarifying questions and identify further discussion points.   


Mark Proet, Independent Consultant

Carlos  Torres-Verdin, University of Texas

Vincent Artus, Kappa Engineering

10:00 - 10:15
10:15 - 11:15
SESSION 2: Plenary Session - Green-Paper Connection 2: Reservoir Engineering 1
Moderator(s) Faruk Alpak, Shell; Erdal Ozkan , Colorado School of Mines

In this session, Fluid Flow in Porous Media, PVT Properties, and Molecular / Pore Scale Modeling aspects of Reservoir Engineering will be covered. The presentations will be brief introductions of the Green Paper takeaways on these topics. Following the format of Session 1, presentations will be followed by clarifying questions and identification of further discussion issues.  


Yucel Akkutlu, Texas A&M University

Birol Dindoruk, University of Houston

Ram Ratnakar, Shell

11:15 - 11:30
11:30 - 12:30
SESSION 3: Plenary Session - Green-Paper Connection 3: Reservoir Engineering 2
Moderator(s) Yucel Akkutlu, Texas A&M University; Rodolfo Camacho, UNAM

This will be the second part of the Reservoir Engineering discussions from the Green Paper. Topics to be covered will be Numerical/Field Scale Modeling, EOR, and Well Performance. The attendees will listen to short presentations on each topic and then the floor will be open for questions on the Green Paper coverage and comments about further discussions.



Dilhan Ilk, DeGolyer and MacNaughton

Faruk Alpak, Shell

Vinay Sahni, Occidental Oil & Gas Corporation

12:30 - 13:30
13:30 - 14:40
SESSION 4: Plenary Session - Green-Paper Connection 4: Reservoir Management
Moderator(s) Bernadette Johnson, Enverus; Tom Blasingame, Texas A&M University

This will be the last session of the Green Paper presentations and cover the Reservoir Management topics under Reservoir Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence, Field Scale Projects, Reserves, and Project Economics. Similar to Sessions 1-3, the objective is to cover the background, initiate the thought process, and prepare for more detailed discussions in the following sessions.


Mohan Kelkar, University of Tulsa

Reggie Boles, DeGolyer and MacNaughton

Bernadette Johnson, Enverus

Sathish Sankaran, Xecta Digital Labs


14:40 - 15:00
15:00 - 18:30
SESSION 5: Breakout Groups - Gathering Ideas 1
Session Chairpersons Tom Blasingame, Texas A&M University; Olivier Houzé, KAPPA Engineering; Erdal Ozkan, Colorado School of Mines; Rodolfo Camacho, UNAM

The objectives of sessions 5 to 8 are the following:

To integrate future needs and expectations of the subdisciplines Reservoir Characterization, Reservoir Engineering, and Reservoir Management, and their associated Groups, to make compatible their corresponding needs and expectations with others, breaking the silos and establishing a connectivity between Groups.
To collaborate with the Technical Sections: CCUS, Geomechanics, and Research & Development, Geothermal, Flow Assurance, and Hydraulic Fracturing.
To collaborate with other Technical Directions (Data Science & Engineering Analytics, Completions, Production & Facilities, …) and other societies.

In Session 5, we will expand the findings of the Green Paper and gather more ideas through breakout discussions. Four breakout groups will be formed along the lines of Sessions 1 to 4. Each group will try to bring ideas on the medium and long term needs of the concerned disciplines and topics. As a similar breakout session will be run on the next morning, this breakout will be ended with a simple report of the current work in progress. 


Table Leads

Mark Proet, Independent Consultant

Yucel Akkutlu, Texas A&M Univertsity

Dilhan Ilk, DeGolyer and MacNaughton

Mohan Kelkar, University of Tulsa

18:30 - 20:00

Friday, August 26

07:30 - 08:30
08:30 - 10:30
SESSION 6: Breakout Groups - Gathering Ideas 2
Session Chairpersons Tom Blasingame, Texas A&M University; Olivier Houzé, KAPPA Engineering; Erdal Ozkan, Colorado School of Mines; Rodolfo Camacho, UNAM

This session will be the continuation of Session 5. The 30 min discussion will integrate the elements that may have been brought in the meantime and the session will be closed by one hour of plenary discussions. At the end of this session, we will have a set of ideas per each subcategory and topic of the reservoir discipline.

Table Leads

Roberto Aguilera, University of Calgary

Birol Dindoruk, University of Houston

Faruk Alpak, Shell

Sathish Sankaran, Xecta Digital Labs

10:30 - 10:45
10:45 - 12:45
SESSION 7: Breakout Groups - Ideas to Tasks
Session Chairpersons Tom Blasingame, Texas A&M University; Olivier Houzé, KAPPA Engineering; Erdal Ozkan, Colorado School of Mines; Rodolfo Camacho, UNAM

This session will be the last breakout. We will again keep the group structure of Sessions 1 to 4. Each group will try to reformulate ideas as specific tasks to be performed by specialty groups (academia, training organizations, service and producing companies, software vendors, commercial labs.  etc.) and SPE.  The groups’ discussions will be limited to one hour to give more time for the plenary discussion.

Table Leads

Vincent Artus, KAPPA Engineering

Ram Ratnakar, Shell

Vinay Sahni, Occidental Oil & Gas Corporation

Bernadette Johnson, Enverus

12:45 - 13:45
13:45 - 15:45
SESSION 8: Plenary Session - Tasks to Execution
Session Chairpersons Erdal Ozkan, Colorado School of Mines

This session will be a plenary discussion.  Tasks defined in Session 7 will be ordered to define milestones and timelines. We will also review the tools available in SPE (committees, taskforces, summits, forums, workshops, webinars, collaboration with TS, other TD, and other societies) which could be used to achieve our goals.


Rodolfo Camacho, UNAM

Tom Blasingame, Texas A&M University

Olivier Houzé, KAPPA Engineering

15:45 - 16:00
16:00 - 17:00
Closing Remarks
Moderator(s) Erdal Ozkan, Colorado School of Mines