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Over the last 20 years, intelligent wellbore technologies have evolved from piloting and trial-testing, to field implementation. Access to new data has allowed operators to better understand the downhole conditions for optimizing production. Still, it remains a daunting task. 

Presenters discussed the current state of the intelligent well technologies, with a balance of both thermal, conventional, and unconventional applications. Priority was given to case histories describing advances in measuring, modeling, and manipulating production data to maximize asset value.

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Topics discussed will included:

  • Lessons learned from other regions where intelligent wells are used and how to adapt those technologies to conventional and unconventional operations in Canada
  • Case histories from Canada
  • Production optimization by collecting all downhole data available
  • Field development strategy optimization
  • Data acquisition and visualization hardware
  • Data modeling and analysis software
  • Consistent handling of operational uncertainties
  • Application of artificial intelligence and machine learning approaches to intelligent wells

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