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SPE Members Educate, Share Passion for Industry Through Energy4me

7 February 2024

In the dynamic realm of energy education, SPE members are stepping up to the plate and making significant strides in the Energy4me program. In Nigeria and Brunei, dedicated SPE members Felicia Oluwadamilola Olaniran, Soazig Leveque, and Kamilah Othman discovered that the program not only empowers the next generation but also enriches the personal and professional journeys of its participants, fueling progress within the energy sector for years to come.

Energy4me is a transformative education initiative aimed at promoting STEM awareness and demystifying the energy industry. Through interactive sessions, educational resources, and hands-on activities, Energy4me engages students in understanding the magnitude of the energy industry and fosters interest in STEM careers.

Felicia teaches an Energy4me lesson to students
Felicia Oluwadamilola Olaniran and students

Felicia Oluwadamilola Olaniran, a Geoscience Graduate from Olabisi Onabanjo University, is an active member of the SPE Lagos section and an inspiring Energy4me Ambassador. Felicia's journey with Energy4me is rooted in her profound passion for promoting STEM awareness, particularly among students.

"[Energy4me’s] commitment to providing educational resources, interactive sessions, and hands-on activities aligns perfectly with my belief in the importance of fostering an understanding of the energy industry,” she said.

For Felicia, this involvement expanded her knowledge and opened doors to valuable networking opportunities and collaboration within the energy sector.

“Participating in Energy4me has been incredibly rewarding, as it allows me to share my passion for the industry and inspire young minds to consider careers in STEM.”

From enhancing communication and presentation skills to developing leadership qualities, Felicia's journey with Energy4me has been a transformative experience both professionally and personally.

Another shining star within the Energy4me program is Soazig Leveque, a Global Geosteering Team Leader for SLB affiliated with the SPE Brunei section. Soazig's motivation to join the program stems from her love for being an active member within local societies and connecting with communities, especially children.

“I felt so honored that the Energy4me program received such a welcome in the remote school in Tutong, where we ran our first program. From the students to the headmasters, they were so engaged in the experiments, and it was amazing to witness,” she said.

Her hands-on approach to teaching STEM experiments about energy brings a unique and engaging experience to the younger generation.

“I was amazed how the kids (aged 5-11 years old) were able to answer questions about fairly complex subjects! It was mind-blowing how much they retained by doing the experiments.”

Soazig fondly recalled cheering and teamwork during experiments, emphasizing the program's positive impact on the kids and the tremendous support from volunteers.

Energy4me lesson
Energy4me lesson at Bakiau Primary School

Kamilah Othman, the Young Professional Chairperson for SPE Brunei section, is another inspiring individual actively contributing to Energy4me. As a Petrophysicist with Brunei Shell Petroleum, Kamilah sees the program as an opportunity to give back to the community by educating the younger generation about the significance of energy.

“By collaborating with Energy4me, I can actively contribute to initiatives aimed at fostering a deeper understanding of energy-related topics among students and educators,” she said.

Kamilah’s participation hasn’t only enriched her on a personal level — it has also provided professional benefits by refining her communication skills and enabling her to convey complex concepts effectively.

One moment that stands out to Kamilah is the success of the energy experiments at Bakiau Primary School in 2023, where students demonstrated enthusiasm and proactive engagement in learning though experiments ranging from simulating artificial lift with honey and chocolate syrup to hands-on core sampling activities.

“The experiments created a memorable and enjoyable learning experience for the students, fostering continued curiosity and appreciation for science and energy topics.”

Felicia, Soazig, and Kamilah, SPE’s Energy4me superstars, embody the spirit of progress within the energy industry. Their dedication to providing energy education to students not only empowers the next generation but also enriches their own personal and professional paths. As ambassadors of knowledge and inspiration, they encourage other SPE members to actively participate in the Energy4me program, making a positive impact on communities and contributing to the future of the energy sector. The Energy4me program stands as a testament to the transformative power of education, and these individuals are at the forefront, fueling progress throughout the world. 

To learn more about Energy4me and and discover how you can get involved, visit energy4me.org.