Anti-Harassment Policy for SPE Members

SPE promotes an environment free from inappropriate behavior and harassment by or toward its staff and members. Members, staff, contractors, suppliers, and customers are expected to treat each other with respect. This global policy applies to all locations and situations where SPE conducts business, including all SPE-sponsored activities and events, and covers all officers, directors, and other SPE members.


  1. Harassment includes, but is not limited to, unwelcome slurs, insults, jokes, or verbal, graphic, or physical conduct relating to an individual’s physical or personal characteristics, such as race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability status, ancestry, citizenship status, age, gender, sexual orientation, and others, that interfere with a person’s enjoyment of their work.
  2. Sexual harassment is a type of harassment that may include unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that unreasonably creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment.

Although it is not possible to catalogue all the specific types of conduct that might violate this policy, members who exercise common sense and respect for the sensibility of others should not run afoul. Questions about what constitutes harassment behavior should be directed to SPE’s human resources director at the telephone number or email address below.

How to Report a Concern

Any staff member who feels harassed by a member, contractor, supplier, or customer should use the following complaint procedure:

  1. Immediately inform the alleged harasser that his or her behavior is unwelcome.
  2. If the staff member is not comfortable with confronting the alleged harasser or the alleged harasser does not cease the unwelcome conduct, then he/she should promptly contact SPE’s Human Resources Director Joe Healy in the London office at +44 207 299 3308.
  3. If the staff member believes, for any reason, that the human resources director cannot address or has not addressed his or her complaint, then the member should contact either the CEO/Executive Vice President Mark Rubin at +1 972 952 9333, or the contact the SPE President.

No person who reports an alleged violation of this policy in an appropriate manner will be subject to any adverse action because of the complaint.

Investigative Procedure

SPE promptly and thoroughly investigates all complaints of harassment to determine whether improper conduct has occurred. The human resources director will work with either the SPE president or immediate past-president, as appropriate, to organize a three-person board-level committee to address the situation. SPE expects all members and staff to cooperate fully with and assist SPE in any investigation. SPE will maintain the confidentiality of all complaints to the extent possible while allowing SPE to conduct a full and fair investigation.

SPE will take all reasonable steps during its investigation to protect the privacy and minimize suspicion toward all parties concerned. Upon completing the investigation of a harassment complaint, the committee will recommend appropriate remedial action to the president, board of directors, or executive director.

Approved by SPE Board: September 21, 2006 Modifications made following legal review: November 25, 2008